Arrival Procedures
Grades K-2: ALL students in grades K-2 will be entering through Entrance C (The door to the gym/cafeteria at the back of the building). There will be a teacher/staff member there to assist your student and guide them to their classroom.
Grades 3-6: ALL students in grades 3-6 will be entering through Entrance A (The door nearest to the basketball hoop). There will be a teacher/staff member there to assist your student and guide them to their classroom.
Dismissal Procedures
**Early release ends PROMPTLY at 2:30PM. Please call the main office to have your child released and a staff member will escort them to the blacktop outside of the gym located at the rear of the school building.** If a students transportations plans is subject to change please notify the students teacher or the main office. Students who are picked up late will be released through Entrance B (The main entrance). Walkers/Parent Pick UP All walkers and student(s) being picked up by a parent/guardian will meet their child on the blacktop outside of the gym located at the rear of the school building. Bus ALL students boarding a school bus will be loaded at the front of the building |